How to use the navigation menu icon

Modified on Fri, Feb 23 at 12:37 AM

When you select the two bar menu icon button, a navigation bar will appear on the side of your screen. From here you can access many different areas including your profile, notifications, settings, resources, and important information about the social network.


What’s New:

  • All Activity: View posts made by all members of the site, with the most recent on top.

  • My Team Activity: View posts made by members who are on your team. 

  • Meet Others: See all the other members on the site. You can sort by location, diagnosis, symptoms, treatment, age, gender, and more!  

  • Q+A: View questions written and answered by other members, or ask your own if it hasn’t been asked yet. 

  • Resources: Read articles regarding your condition, including Hot Topics inspired by your community.



  • My Updates: View your most recent updates to the site.

  • My Story: View and edit your story on your profile.

  • My Treatments: View and edit your treatments on your profile.

  • My Team: View and edit your team, your provider team, and what teams you are on.

  • My Recommendations: View and edit providers that you have recommended.

  • My Q&A: View and follow/unfollow Q&A questions that you have asked or answered.

  • My Pinboards: View your pinboard photos.

  • My Favorites: View the posts and questions you have added to 'My Favorites' you can also select 'remove from favorites' here.


My Notifications:

  • Notifications: Find your most recent unread notifications by clicking the bell icon.

  • View All: You will see all of your notifications.



  • Account settings: Update your username, location, email address, password, blocked users, email settings, or remove your account.

  • Email Settings: Customize how many emails your receive.

  • Upload your photo: Upload a photo from your device for your profile photo.



Quick Links:

  • Treatments A-Z: View treatments for your condition.

  • Resources: Read articles regarding your condition, including Hot Topics inspired by your community.

  • Provider Directory: Search local medical providers specialized in your condition.

  • FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions): Find answers to frequently asked questions about how to use this site. 

  • Getting Started: Learn how to maximize your experience on the site.

  • Mobile App: Find the link to download the mobile app on both iOS and Android. 

  • Community Guidelines- Learn the guidelines to follow while using our site.

  • Contact Us: Submit a ticket to get in contact with our team for support or feedback.

  • Crisis: Discover where to find help if you are in crisis.




  • What is the social network?: Learn more about our site.

  • Terms of Use: Information about our terms of use.

  • Privacy Policy: Information about how we value and protect your privacy on our site.